Page 134 - New English Book L
P. 134
The Jews in the wilderness, inebriate with the wonders
and miracles worked day and night - their camp shadowed
by a miraculous cloud at daytime and illuminated by a
pillar of fire at night, themselves fed with the “manna” and
“Salwai”- as soon as the Prophet Moses (pbuh) disappeared
for a few days on the misty top of Mount Sinai, made a
golden calf and worshipped it. The history of that stubborn
people from the death of Joshua to the anointment of
King Saul, covering a period of more than four centuries,
is full of a series of scandalous relapses into idolatry. It
was only after the close of the revelation and the Canon
of their Holy Scriptures in the third century before Christ
that the Jews ceased to worship idols, and have since
remained monotheists. But their belief in the Unity of
God, though it makes them Unitarians, does not entitle
them to the qualification of being called “Muslims,”
because they have stubbornly rejected both the persons
and the revelations of Jesus and Muhammad (pbtuhem) . It
is only through submission to the will of God that a man
can attain peace and become Muslim, otherwise the faith
without obedience and submission is similar to that of the
devils who believe in the existence of Allah and tremble.
As we possess no records concerning the other peoples
who were favoured with divine revelations and with the
Prophets and Imam sent to them by God, we shall only
content ourselves with the declaration that the religion of
Islam existed among Israel and other Arab peoples of old,
sometimes more luminous, but mostly like a flickering
wick or like a dim spark glimmering in a dark room. It
was a religion professed by a people who soon forgot it,
or neglected it, or transformed it into pagan practices. But
all the same there were always individuals and families
who loved and worshipped God.