Prophet Muhammad and his Companions in the Hindu Scriptures | Complete Analysis!

Introduction | Prophet Muhammad in Hinduism

We have written on our website several articles related to this topic evaluating these claims comparatively. For example, we approached the essential claim: whether the early Hindus were waiting for the appearance of a prophet at the end of time or not [link]. We found explicit evidence for they waiting for a Prophet who is most Probably Prophet Muhammad.

We also discussed the descriptive names and attributes of this expected prophet, and we were astonished by the exact match with Prophet Muhammad: such as the descriptive name "Kalki"; As well as the descriptive name of the prophet of the end of time "Narashansa". They are explicit descriptive references to the Prophet Muhammad, his wives, his birthplace, his worship, his rides, …etc.

In addition, we also accumulated the attributes of the last Prophet in Hinduism who are a perfect match with Prophet Muhammad. It became clear to us in all these well-researched studies that Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the Hindu scriptures without any doubt. Whereas all these signs and references could not collectively fit anyone other than Prophet Muhammad. In addition, the Hindu scriptures sometimes refer to this last Prophet with Muhammad, Ahmed, and other names of Prophet Muhammad. We are here with new nagging evidence.

Prophet Muhammad and his Companions in the Hindu Holy Books

The Hindu scriptures mentioned many references to the Prophet Muhammad, his legislations, and his companions. We focus here on the most explicit of these references:

  • Ahmed receives the law from his Lord:

It was mentioned in the Hindu holy book “Samaveda” about the coming Prophet: “Ahmad receives the law from his Lord, and it is full of wisdom.” (Samaveda 2/6-8)

It is well known that the name “Ahmed” is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Rather, it is the name mentioned in the Qur’an in the context of the prophecies of holy scriptures of the coming of Prophet Muhammad:

"And ˹remember˺ when Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O children of Israel! I am truly Allah’s messenger to you, … giving the good news of a messenger after me whose name will be Aḥmad.” (Sura Saff, verse 6)

  • Muhammad will be sent:

Another explicit reference about the mission of the Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the Haredim Hindu scripture (Adhru Haredim): “Listen, O people, Muhammad will come among the people, and his greatness will be praised even in Paradise… He is al-Muhammad.” (Adhru Haredim 20/27/70)

And this is a very direct reference to Prophet Muhammad’s name and his true Prophethood. It is also well known that Prophet Muhammad will get the highest rank in heaven on the Day of Judgment.

  • Muhammad comes with the five daily prayers:

In the Bhavishya Purana (one of the 18 major scriptures in the Purana genre of Hinduism, written in Sanskrit by Sri Vyasa Muni, who is the compiler of the Vedic texts), there is a clear reference to the Muslims’ five daily  prayers:

“At that time, a foreigner will be sent with his companions, his name is “Muhammad” who is called the Master\teacher of the World, and the King [God] purifies him with the five purifying [i.e. worships].” (Bhavishya Purana 2/2/3-6)

Besides the explicit mention of Prophet Muhammad’s name, they are other key points:

  • He will be a foreigner i.e. not Hindu, and Prophet Muhammad was an Arab;
  • The Prophet Muhammad was known with the title Imam al-Alameen, i.e. the teacher of the Worlds.
  • Prophet Muhammad was sent with the five daily prayer whose main purpose is to purify the believers and was preseeded by the Wudu “purification via ablution,” which purifies the worshipper from sins.

Prophet Muhammad’s Companions in Hindu Scriptures: 

The last Prophet’s companions are mentioned in the Hindu scriptures with some details that could enable us to identify them. It mentioned in the Bhavishya Purana about these companions:

“They are circumcised; they don’t have a part of their head shaved and leaving parts unshaven; they grow beards, call people to pray loudly, and eat most animals except swineflesh, … they are the purified martyrs, and they are called “Muslimi” because they fight those who confuse the truth with falsehood, and this religion of theirs comes from me and I am the Creator.” (Bhavishya Purana 3/3/27-28).

This Prophecy fits perfectly the companions of Prophet Muhammad better than anyone else:

  • They are circumcised:

Prophet Muhammad’s Companions, unlike Hindus, were circumcised even before Islam - as they inherited it from their father Prophet Abraham.

A historical narration of the story of Heraclius with an Arab leader (Abu Sufyan) about the appearance of Prophet Muhammad, and at the end of the story Heraclius asked: “Heraclius then asked him about the Arabs. The messenger replied, 'Arabs also practice circumcision. (After hearing that) Heraclius remarked that the king of the 'Arabs had appeared.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 7)

So there was maybe a well knowing sign of the last Prophet and his people to be circumcised.

  • They grew beards:

Prophet Muhammad, his Companions, and Muslims generally grow beards and most Islamic schools of jurisprudence have stated that it is prohibited to shave the beard. It is also prohibited to shave part of the head and leaving the other.

  • They Call for prayer loudly:

This is which is an explicit reference to the call to prayer in Islam (the Azan).

  • They don’t eat pork:

It is prohibited in Islam to eat pork. It is mentioned in the Noble Qur’an: “Forbidden to you are carrion, blood, and swine.” (Surat Al-Ma’idah, verse 3)

  • They fought the falsehood preachers: 

Besides they are called Muslimin in Arabic (as it is also mentioned clearly in the Hindu Text), Prophet Muhammad’s companions fought with him the falsehood preachers and followers during and after the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad.

Quran tells us that this sign of the companions of the last Prophet is mentioned in the previous holy books:

“Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those with him are tough against the disbelievers and compassionate with one another. … The sign ˹of brightness can be seen˺ on their faces from the trace of prostrating ˹in prayer˺. This is their description of the Torah. And their parable in the Gospel are that of a seed that sprouts its ˹tiny˺ branches, making it strong. Then it becomes thick, standing firmly on its stem, to the delight of the planters” (Surat Al-Fath, verse 29)

These signs are mentioned in the Judeo-Christian Bible (Deuteronomy 33:1-3, Mark 4:26-28, and Matthew 13:3-9)

All of these pieces of evidence of the Hindu Prophecies of the last Prophet fully apply to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and his companions. When all of these signs and attributes are combined, no one can fulfill them all except Prophet Muhammad and his companions.

Conclusion | Is the Prophet Muhammad's companions mentioned in the Hindu holy Books?

Yeah. Prophet Muhammad and his companions are mentioned explicitly in several Hindu texts that could not fully apply to anyone but them. The signs are fully fulfilled: his name is Ahamed and Muhammad; he came with the five daily prayers; his nickname is the Imam of the Worlds.

The Prophet’s Companions are circumcised; they grew beards;  they avoided eating pork; they fought those who call to falsehood, and they were tough against the infidels and those calling for disbelief.

It is not possible for all of these attributes, signs, and even names to apply to anyone and his companions other than the Prophet of Islam.

For more evidence about Prophet Muhammad Prophecies in the Hindu Scriptures, please read the following articles:

Complete & Comprehensive Guide to Prophet Muhammad in Hindu Scriptures!

Prophet Muhammad’s name in the Hindu Scriptures.

Is Prophet Muhammad Kalki Avatar in Hinduism?

Is Holy Narashansa Prophet Muhammad?