The names of Prophet Muhammad mentioned in the Hindu Scriptures?!

Introduction | Who are the prophets in Hinduism?

Hindu scriptures say that there are twenty-four messengers, all of whom appeared except for one. They referred to him by some names such as: “Kalki Avatar” means the one who cleanses from sins; “Narashansa” which means the praised one; and other names carrying the meaning of the teacher and the ruler of the worlds.

For more details, see: Did Hindus Wait for the Prophet Muhammad?

Muhammad in Hindu scripture

There are many references to the exact names of Prophet Muhammad as well as characteristics attributed to these names. We Find the names, as well as the attributes, are a perfect match with Prophet Muhammad and not anyone else.

Note: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had many names (main names are Ahmed and Muhammad) and other names derived from them. Allah also called Prophet Muhammad “Ahmed” in the Quran. (Surah As-Saff, verse 6)

  • Ahmed would bring back the sacrifice to God alone:

What is written in Vedas about Prophet Muhammad is that his name is Ahmed (Samaveda 3/6-8):

"The first to sacrifice is Ahmadu, and he became the Sun."

Ahmed here is a clear-cut reference to Prophet Muhammad who brought back the sacrifice to God alone without any other false gods in the pre-Islamic era, and his religion spread like the spread of the sun on the earth.

The name Ahmed is strange from Hindu culture and very unique to the Arabic culture. The name mentioned in the text was even left undefined by the most important Hindu dictionaries “The Lexicon of the Vedas”. Meaning it is certainly not referring to any Hindu.

  • Muhammed will live in the Desert:

Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in Bhagavad Purana (3/5-8) by his name Muhamad:

“A spiritual teacher will come with his honorable companions, and he will be known among the people as ‘Mohammad’, and the prince will receive him saying: O dweller of the desert, defeater of Satan, and master of miracles… I am your servant; I live under your feet."

It is a clear-cut reference to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who inhabited the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, and he performed miracles and defeated the disbelievers

  • With the advent of Muhammad, the darkness ends:

Prophet Muhammad is also mentioned in Bhagavad Gita (2\76) by his name:

“With the advent of Muhammad, the darkness will end, and the dawn of understanding and wisdom will appear.”

This is what happened after Prophet Muhammad came, as he ended the darkness of disbelief and connected them with the wisdom of Allah and His revelation.

  • The last Prophet would live in the center of the earth:

What is written in Vedas about Islam is that the last prophet will appear in Mecca. Rigveda (3/29) states that God is addressing a future prophet saying:

"The possessor of the glorious law, we have placed you above the navel of the earth to make sacrifices."

Recent geographical discoveries and studies show that Mecca is the center or middle of the earth, where the Prophet Muhammad appeared and his call began. Among the rituals of Hajj and Umrah in Islam is the sacrifice to God, which is to draw closer to God by slaughtering cows and feeding the poor. These two points are mentioned in the Vedas and fulfilled by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

  • He will ascend to the Heaven

The Hindu scriptures could also refer to the last Prophet with the name “Inder, which was named after the god of thunder, but it is a description indicating prestige and not a name for a person or a deity.” For example, Rigveda (163/3):

“The majestic Inder rode a kind of horse called Ashu. For the first time, he ascended to heaven, and attended three stages [during that trip]”.

It is not known to anyone that the Prophet Muhammad was ascended to heaven (The Journey of al-Isra and al-Mi’raj) riding a miraculous horse called Al-Buraq, and he attended three stages during this journey:

  1. Visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine;
  2. Meeting the prophets who preceded him in heaven;
  3. Meet God Almighty.

Prophet Muhammad Kalki Avatar in Hinduism?

In another article, we gathered many Hindus textual verses proving Prophet Muhammad is Kalki Avatar in Hinduism as all the conditions and signs are uniquely fitting him and none other than him. For example, he was born in Mecca, his father’s name is Abdullah, and his mother’s name is Aminah; he also devoted his worship in a mountain cave, and migrated north from Mecca to Median; he was born on the 12th day in the lunar calendar; he also was circumcised and used to ride horses; he was followed and backed up by strong four companions; angels used to descend helping him in difficult wars, … etc.

How to identify Kalki Avatar in the Hindu Scriptures?

Narashansa is Prophet Muhammad

Hindu scholars argue the literal meaning of the name “Narashansa” refers to the literal meaning of Prophet Muhammad in Arabic. In addition, putting together all the unique and distinctive signs of Narashansain Hindu scriptures, you will find that this sign combination fit none other than Prophet Muhammad:

The Arabic equivalent of Narashansa is Muhamamd; he used to ride camels; his message entered each house on the globe; he had twelve wives; his companions carried his message after and during his lifetime; he emigrated from his homeland to another place; he was the circumcised Prophet with a long beard; he prohibited eating pork .. etc.

Conclusion | What is written in Hindu scriptures about the last Prophet Muhammad?

In light of the textual references mentioned, we are so confident to conclude that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is mentioned by his names (Ahmed and Muhammad) in many verses in the Vedas (Rigveda, Bhagavad Purana, Samaveda, and others).

In addition, the signs associated with these names are perfectly matching Prophet Muhammad, leaving no room for any other possible. Whereas; he is the one who restored the concept of sacrificing animals only for Allah, not any other mini-gods; he is the spiritual teacher who dwelt the desert; he is the prophet who appeared in Mecca which is in the middle of the earth, and he is the prophet who was ascended to heaven and had three stages journey.

For more evidence, now see these articles:

Prophet Muhammad’s Companions in the Hindu Scriptures

Attributes of the expected prophet for Hindus

Did Hindus wait for the Prophet Muhammad?

Is Narrations is the Prophet Muhammad mentioned in Hindu books?